Hanover Engineering designed and provided inspection services for the construction of a 400-acre park for Northampton County on property formerly used for agricultural crop production. The park includes a variety of recreational facilities and supporting amenities such as ball fields, tennis courts, pavilions, and restroom areas. The park also features extensive landscaping, as well as a trail system providing miles of stone chip walking surface for park users.
Hanover Engineering assisted in designing all of the park’s facilities, including providing topographic and boundary surveys, detailed stormwater management design, trail layout and construction design, erosion and sedimentation pollution control provisions, and obtaining all required regulatory permitting. A unique feature added to the park is a 2-acre constructed wetland system which was designed to treat stormwater runoff and to provide wildlife habitat and aesthetic values.
The 2-acre wetland area was specifically designed, planted, and seeded to develop a sustainable assemblage of planted and “volunteer” native wetland plants, and to provide wildlife habitat and aesthetic enhancement for the park users.
Since the park site does not have any natural streams, springs or other waterways to provide replenishment water for the wetland area, a windmill and groundwater pumping system was designed to maintain sufficient hydrology between runoff producing storm events.